What if God told you that He doesn’t keep a log of past offenses?
Of how little you pray.
Or how often you disappoint Him.
What if God told you that you are righteous?
Because of His righteousness.
Right now.
What if He told you to stop beating yourself up?
That His Grace for you abounds.
Even when you think the most horrible thoughts.
Because you are already made in His image.
What if He told you
That if you repent
And if He’s your savior
You’re going to Heaven.
No matter what.
What would your life look like then?
If you stop trying so hard.
And just let God live his life for you.
Through Jesus Christ
Our Savior.
We are loved
We are saved
Now let’s live it like we know it!
Find Out About Jesus
Thank you for checking out the website. Our goal was to be ready on January 1st, 2021, but as you can see it is still under construction. Please check back later for updates. We will be hosting in-depth studies to help you learn all about Jesus. If you would like to be notified when we start, please register below:
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